Paris City Schools Registration
2024-2025 Paris City Schools Enrollment Click here
2024-2025 Paris City Schools Virtual Greyhound Academy Application for Enrollment Click here

2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Paris City Schools:
More information can be found on the Kentucky School Report Card
Voice Recognition

For Parents

Parent Resources

Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus is a valuable tool used by the state of Kentucky that allows you as a parent to monitor your student's grades, behavior and attendance.  Click on the Parent Portal Login to log in and access this information.  If you do not have a current login, please click on the Parent Portal Request Letter to begin the process of acquiring a user name and password.  Please make sure you click Computer Requirements to make sure that your current computer software will support this program.

Important Information

Volunteer Information and Links
Volunteer Handbook 2022-2023

(Also referred to as Educational Enhancement Opportunity Form.  Must be filled out at least three days before planned visit and approved by Principal)
(Also referred to as Educational Enhancement Opportunity Form.  Must be approved by Principal prior to any family trip deemed to be of educational value)

Suicide Prevention
If you know someone in danger please seek help. You may view the following website  for tips.

Please contact Alyssa Meadows, Guidance Specialist for Paris Middle at 859-987-2163, and Abby Easterling, High Guidance Counselor for Paris School at 859-987-2168, if you see changes in your child at home to make the school aware of any situation.

Title I Paris Elementary and Paris Middle School Highly Qualified Staff
Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's teachers.  This information may include state requirements for licensure and certification, college major or degree, and the field of discipline of the teacher's certification or degree.  Please contact the school's principal for this information or the Title I Coordinator at 859-987-2160.

District Homeless Coordinator/Liaison  - Kathy Tobin FRYSC Coordinator 859-987-2160

Homeless Children and Youth
The District shall provide educational and related services to homeless children and youth in a manner that does not segregate or stigmatize the students on the basis of their homeless status.  (1) Have equal access to all educational programs and services, including transportation, that non-homeless children enjoy; (2) Continue attending the school or origin for the duration of homelessness; (3) Attend regular public school with non-homeless students; and (4) Continue to receive all services for which they are eligible (i.e. special education, gifted and talented, limited English proficient).

Homeless Students
The term "homeless" shall refer to children and youths who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence and includes those that are: (1) sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason; (2) living in motels, hotels, trailer parks or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; (3) living in emergency or transitional shelters; (4) abandoned in hospitals; (5) awaiting foster care; (6) residing in a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings; (7) living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations or similar settings; and/or (8) migratory children who are living in the previously described circumstances.
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