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Student Work

PHS 2020 Student Work Exhibition

Ms. Bowens - English 10 - World Literature Blog

This student work is from Ms. Bowens' 10th grade English class. The overview of the project is below and provides the setting for the blogs or podcasts students produced as they completed the project.
Chloe Kemper
Convenit -Tyler Gonzales 
Modesty vs. Society - Jamie Cowan

What is this project about?

Essential Question
  • How does the time and place where we live make us unique from others?
  • Regardless of time and place, what is universal in all people?
  • How does literature convey both what is unique and what is universal?
Enduring Understanding
  • Literature serves as an artifact to capture time and place.
  • Authors use literature to capture what is unique and convey what is universal in people throughout time and across the world. 
  • Characterization and point of view are literary devices that convey motivation, perspective, and other elements that make characters feel authentic and connected to our human experiences. 
There are 7.5 billion people on earth and each one has a different perspective, a different experience, and a different life. How do we learn to understand other people, even if they are on the other side of the world or in another time? Much of what we know about others we learn through the written word. This project is no different. You choose a piece of world literature and document how it captures a unique point of view from someone in another time and place. You collect evidence and analyze this point of view in an outlined script and then deliver your analysis in a recorded podcast.

In the second half of the project, you look at things from another angle: are we really all that different from other people? Maybe there is more that connects us than separates us. You explore this by identifying a universal truth revealed in the novel we read. Then, you write a Blog Article discussing both what is unique and what is universal in the text. Through all of this work, you create your own body of literature to share with the world, a class Blog and Podcast series for others to listen to and enjoy.
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